Greetings and Happy New Year!
I hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are entering the new year feeling energetic, hopeful, light-hearted, and full of good Qi!
I’m happy to share with you that as I commit to strengthening my qigong practice (with consistency), I have what I believe is a more effective way to share qigong with you. This change is something I’ve been contemplating and now is the time to go forward with it.
Details of the new qigong class structure is below (clue- 3 classes/week instead of 1!), but first I’d like to share how this came about. In the fall, I offered a workshop on breast health. Many of those who attended are looking to heal after breast cancer and/or prevent recurrence or problems from arising in the first place. Prevention is, in large part, why I do what I do. And the best prevention is consistent practice of a helpful thing. I believe that qigong offers us so many benefits and when practiced daily, can keep us healthy and doing what we love until the moment we leave this Earthly realm.
The form I shared in the workshop above is fairly short (20 – 30 minutes) and simple. It’s also effective. A few weeks after teaching the breast health workshop, I heard the story of a woman who was diagnosed with late stage dementia in her late 30s and after trying various methods that helped somewhat but not enough, a friend convinced her to attend a qigong retreat. In one week she had massive improvements to her condition and she now practices qigong daily to keep symptoms at bay.
These events and stories helped me step into what has been brewing for a while – the desire for more consistency- a daily practice of one form. I believe that in this way, change for the better is more likely to occur and maintain. I believe that daily practice of any length is better than 1 hour once a week. For this reason, I’ve decided to share my practice with you 3x/week for 30 minutes rather than once/week for 60′. I’m committed to practicing daily and I invite you to do the same. In staying with one form, for 30′ or less, this becomes very doable.
So here’s my plan- Starting January 13th, online classes will be 3 times/week for 30 minutes as follows:
Mondays 8:45 – 9:15
Tuesdays 8:45 – 9:15
Fridays 8:45 – 9:15
Tuesdays 8:45 – 9:15
Fridays 8:45 – 9:15
All qigong classes are on zoom. Each class will be recorded so you have access to each if you can’t make the time so you can get at least 3x/week practice. Recordings will be deleted after one week. As of now, I’ll record on zoom and send you a link after class. If a better way presents itself, we’ll talk.
There will be a fixed cost each month of $80 due at the start of each month. Join live as many times as you like and watch the recordings as many times as you like. With this set up, you have access to qigong daily. You’re still welcome to drop in whenever at $20/class. You’ll now be getting 1.5 hours/week of qigong and 13 classes/month most months. My goal is for each of us to experience what qigong is all about, what it can bring about.
I’m excited about this. Consistency is key. The masters often practice one “form” daily and play with others as they wish (in addition to their daily form). Qigong 3x/week is better than once. Daily is even better. Change will start to take effect. We’ll build our qi stores, strengthen resolve, boost immunity, and effect lasting changes for the better.
And because we’ll be practicing one form for several months, you’ll have something to work with on your own as you’ll have a set you remember. You’ll start to understand and move your body in more efficient ways that allows qi to flow more smoothly and easily.
If you’d like to receive the benefits of qigong, send me an email and I’ll add you to our class list.
I look forward to a healthy and happy 2025 playing qigong with you.